How to create a sustainable, feel good fitness routine that lasts

Did you start January strong with fitness intentions and then “fall off the wagon” ? Do you find yourself always starting and stopping your routine, or stressing about getting in some movement?

I’m here to HELP!

For YEARS I would set “resolutions” that were damn near impossible to keep. I’d follow them for a week or two and by mid January I would give up and then feel so down on myself. This is because I was approaching my goals all wrong.

I was setting unrealistic goals. I wasn’t focusing on the HOW, or I would be trying something that was too intense (ex. A 30 day challenge that required a daily workout- nu uh sista). 

If you’ve been following along, you know that I approach the new year differently now and that my goal is to share my method with others so they don’t make the same mistakes as me. We want to FEEL GOOD to start the year and beyond, am I right?!

So what do I do now?

Well, to start, I don’t make resolutions in the sense where you make blanket statements like, “I’m going to workout more”, “I’m going to stop snacking at night”. These statements are too broad and since there is no action plan behind them, of course they won’t last!

I always say this- discipline is more important than motivation! Why? What happens when your motivation runs out?

So now that we’re heading into February lets reevaluate our approach to make sure we create a routine that is 1) sustainable and 2) feels friggin good.

Here are my top tips:

  1. Ask Yourself “What are my top, most specific fitness goals for the next 3 months?” & write them down somewhere you see daly. 

    • Examples: 

      •  I want to be able to do 10 pushups from my toes

      •  I want to workout for 20 minutes 3x a week 

      •  I want to run a faster km

      •  I want to get into my middle splits 

  2. Decide: What is a realistic number of workouts a week (given your schedule) for you right now. Tips:

    • Start with 1 more than you’re at now if more movement is your goal. Examples:

      • If you’re not morning right now, schedule one class in a week!

      • If you’re moving 3x a week right now, add a 4th!

    • Don’t go from 0 to 6 classes a week! (*not sustainable*!) 

    • You can add more workouts each month until you are satisfied (2 rest days always though!)

  3. Identify the HOW: Create your action plan!

    • Do this weekly not monthly 

    • Pick a time each week to plan your workouts (I like Sundays after my morning coffee)

    • Pick a time of day you’ll commit to moving 

    • Schedule them in your calendar

    • Find an accountability buddy to keep you motivated!

    • Set helpful reminders for yourself (phone, sticky notes)

  4. Pick workouts that are FUN for you, so it’s easier to commit to it. HOW:

    • Experiment! Try new things.

    • Write down how you feel after each workout

    • Variety is great! For example, I like 3x strength workouts and 1-2x other movement sessions that are different each week to keep it fresh

  5. Work with a coach or find a community to support you!

    • I get it, keeping a movement routine is HARD, especially with all of life’s demands & that's what coaches are for.

    • Coaches or communities like the Move to Feel membership will keep you uninspired to meet your goals!

Do this process every 3 months! Keep reflecting and adjusting until you are consistent, confident and feeling like your best strongest self.

For accountability and support, I've got your back. Click HERE to start your 7 day free trial for unlimited movement, or contact me to discuss 1:1 coaching.

Let’s keep moving all year long!! YOU. GOT. THIS.


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