Movement to Feel Good

Have you found yourself dreading your at home workouts, focusing on only aesthetic goals, and putting tons of pressure on yourself to workout or “get back into it”?.

I have BEEN there. Today, I’m here today to tell you that working out doesn't have to be this way. 

For me, it wasn’t until I discovered movement styles that truly brought me joy that I noticed positive changes in my physical and mental health For this reason, one of the pillars of Sara Bucks Movement is Movement to Feel Good. I believe movement is medicine, that it has the ability to heal, and can be fun & motivating. Trust me, if you don’t like your workout, it won’t be sustainable and may negatively affect your mental health in the long run.

So, how do you find a movement style that you love?

Everyone is different, but I promise that everyone can find something that works for them. Maybe it’s swimming, or skiing or maybe it’s spin, boxing or HIIT. For me, I grew up as a dancer and it is music that fuels me.

My advice:

Experiment! Try a bunch of different classes and note down how you felt before, during and after. I promise you will know when you’ve found the ONE. Movement that feels good is “easy”, even when it’s challenging, even on days you don’t want to do it when you get started your worries go away and you are completely present. Yes, some days are just off days, but it’s possible to find a movement style that keeps you coming back for more. 

When I discovered barre I was immediately hooked! Moving to the beat just feels right, and I love the moves that are familiar and make me feel strong. When I first started taking barre classes, I left every class feeling amazing, and so I decided to become a certified barre instructor. Since then, I have added yoga, strength training and HIIT classes to my schedule, and I’ve designed a classes that focus on how we FEEL.


Why does movement make us feel good?

1. Movement Decreases Stress

Scientifically speaking, scores of studies show that various movement forms decrease stress, improves focus and concentration, and yep, you guessed it, boosts your mood! Decreasing stress in 2020? I’m in.


2. Movement Increases Happiness

Dopamine, a chemical in the brain (i.e., neurotransmitter), is necessary for us to feel pleasure and happiness.

According to researcher Berns, we can foster the release of dopamine in our brains by doing certain things. He noted that physical activity is one of the best ways to release dopamine.

3. Endorphins

For years, researchers suspected that endorphins caused the so-called “runner’s high,” a feeling of euphoria that happens after lengthy, vigorous physical activity.

As exercise boosts mood and increases endorphins, some medical professionals prescribe regular exercise as a treatment for mild to moderate depression and anxiety.

So, how do your workouts make you FEEL?

Once you have found your feel good movement style, a huge way to stay loving it is checking in with your mindset. I tell my clients to always notice how they feel during or after class. Do you feel strong? Accomplished? Happy? Noticing these factors will stay will you a lot longer than forcing yourself to do a class you dislike just because you think you will get “results”.

Do effective movement you love, and perhaps one day those results you were hoping for all along will show up. But more importantly, you will be happy & healthy. 

In my opinion, knowing that moving our bodies actually makes us happier and less stressed is the perfect motivation to get you into class!

Finally, I encourage you to check in with yourselves daily. Each day you can ask yourself, “what kind of movement do I feel like doing”? This will develop a strong mind body connection. As I always say in every class, listen to your body and find what feels GOOD. Not everyday will be the same, and that’s the beauty of it!

#movetofeel my friends! See you in class soon.


How I approach the New Year