How I approach the New Year

There can be a lot of pressure surrounding a new year. We are told that the New Year is the perfect time to make BIG changes.

I believe the intention behind this is positive, but we all know that when we set a million resolutions that by Jan 15th we’ll have given up.


So, let’s break it down: 

New Years Resolutions are really just goals & goals are GREAT! However, there is a method to this madness!!! Goals need to be sustainable, and something that you are both motivated to do, and know the steps that will get you there.

After many years of struggling to make ___ year my best one yet, I’ve finally learned how to properly set goals. I  go through this process monthly, and with the New Year it’s not much different, just a bit more reflection.

Here is how I approach the New Year: 

  1. Reflect on the previous year

Reflecting on our last year allows us to notice how much has happened, our growth, and all the ups & the downs.This particular year I spent a bit more time on this because #2020 

I write down each month from Jan-Dec and take notes on things that happened that month, anything that feels significant. I find that going through my camera roll helps me with this process.
Looking back on photos helps you remember the good days and the moments of joy that you may have had. 

Once you see this overview of the year, begin to dig little deeper with some journalling prompts: 

  1. What Was the best day in 2020 & why?

  2. What was the most difficult day & why?

  3. What were you most grateful for?

  4. What did you learn about yourself?

  5. Have you priorities changed?

  6. Is there anyone you need to forgive? Anything you can let go of?

Thank the year for all that it was and close that chapter.

2. Visualize the New Year

Close your eyes and imagine your ideal 2021. What does it look like? Be as specific as possible with as many details about what you are doing, who you are surrounded by and what you feel like

3. Write it Down

How are you going to make this ideal year happen for you?

Journal Prompts: 

  • How can you bring more joy into your life this year?

  • What area of your life is important to you in this next chapter (career, relationships)

  • 2021 will bee the year I finally___

4. Choose a word to drive your year that will keep you motived

ex. Mine is ABUNDANCE & 2020 was STRENGTH

Write it somewhere you see often!

5. Map It Out

Again write Jan-Dec headings and start to fill in big things that you know are going to happen (events/important dates) and your dreams. 

6.Make that Dream into a Goal 

Select 1-3 goals for the year- be realistic, but not afraid to dream big. Map out what you need to do monthly, weekly, and daily to make that sh*t happen. 

GO AFTER IT- Remember flexibly and patience are key. Your dreams can and will happen if you keep showing up & if we’ve learned anything from 2020, the ability to accept change and be resilient are necessary.

*** Now if your goals are around FITNESS here are my two cents: 

  • Routine & Consistency > Extreme Changes/Up & Downs

  • Don’t get caught up in the January cleanse/detox train

  • Find movement you love that makes you feel good and you’ll be motivated to come back to

  • Remind yourself of the 80/20 rule

  • Find a coach that resonates with you to help guide you, or a program to keep you accountable

You can both love where you are today while knowing it is not where you have to stay #MOVETOFEEL

What Is your INTENTION/WORD for 2021?!


What is Barre Fitness & What are the Benefits?


Movement to Feel Good